Surintan iPhone Photography


As promised, here are the pictures for the second part. I'll start this one with where I left out in the previous post.

This is Lata Iskandar waterfall. When I noticed the waterfall on the way to Cameron Highlands, I immediately stopped the car to enjoy the scenery. My family were the only ones there at that time. We had the whole place to ourselves. So, we took our own sweet time to enjoy the cold water and surveying the area a little. We thought this was an abandoned waterfall at first. Oh, how wrong was that... When we were returning to KL after our Cameron Highlands trip, this place was packed with people!

For those who have been to Lata Iskandar waterfall, you know it's a cool place to chill. You know what's cooler than just chilling? Climb all the way up the waterfall. No, I'm not talking about the nice stairs prepared for you. Go higher, climb up the waterfall itself. Climb all the way to the peak of this waterfall, as seen in the first picture. You judge whether it's worth it or not.

Since the place was a little crowded the second time I came here, I decided to look for someplace a little less crowded. This was why I decided to climb up in the first place. When I reached the peak, there were a group of friends from a foreign country who brought up a gas cylinder, a small travelling stove, cartons of water bottle, raw chicken and various spices. To think that these guys carried all these all the way up above... wow! One guy was skinning and washing the chicken in the water. Eww.... and many many people were taking bath at the foot of the waterfall. 

The insect and the butterfly below was found on the rocks from the waterfall area.

This was at BOH tea plantation. I held the trunk of this plant on my palm tightly and tried to shake it sideways. Despite the short height, the plant was so strongly rooted to the ground, it didn't even budge!

There were various types of cactus sold at Kea Farm market. Some looked like salad, some looked like they had a serious case of acne and some looked like aloe vera. My favorite of the lot was this, the lotus cactus. Loved the 'petals' and the shape of the plant.

For those of you who wants a good deal for vegetables and strawberries, Kea Farm market is the place to go. Besides vegetables, strawberries and cactus, they also sell honey, corn, fruits, flowers and some souvenirs. And they're farm fresh too. Plus, you can also walk in a farm and request the farmer for any vegetables of flowers that you would like to purchase. They would uproot the plant on the spot, clean the soil and pack it for you.

When I spotted these strawberries, I could not resist myself from getting this shot. This picture almost perfectly shows the growth evolution of a strawberry. What you don't see here is when the fruit turns red. 

This kinda reminds me of a Bhagavad Gita sloka, Chapter 2 Text 13, dehino 'smin yathā dehe, kaumāraṁ yauvanaṁ jarā, tathā dehāntara-prāptir, dhīras tatra na muhyati. "As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change." Of course, we are not talking about the strawberry being a realised soul here. Just the evolution of the age of the fruit.

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