Surintan iPhone Photography


My whole family traveled to Kuching, Sarawak about few weeks back. Though it was just over the weekend, we had lots of fun travelling around. The main reason for our Kuching trip is to join the Ratha Yatra there, organised by ISKCON Kuching. Before attending the festival at 4pm, my dad's friend lent us his car, so we took the opportunity to drive around the area.

We drove to various places around the town, and managed to get a little lost. Thanks to Waze, we somehow managed to get back on track. One of our main destination was Kuching Waterfront.

Pictured above is the river view of Kuching Waterfront. The weather was nice that day, and by nice, I meant not raining. You can see the beautiful cloud formations.

I couldn't get the official name of this building, some says "Square Town", some says "Square Tower". Personally, 'Square Building' makes more sense to me. This colonial building (during the Brooke's era) used to be a jail. You can see "1879" on top of the entrance of this building. That was how long back this building goes. The scenery along this area is really beautiful! There's not much activity you can do here, besides enjoying the scenery and taking a boat ride across the river to Astana palace and a village.

Not sure if you can see, it says 'Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak'. This is Kuching's state legislative building. Too bombastic? It's their parliament building. As you can see, this building is quite new. It was officially opened in 2009. This is located just opposite the river.

To cross the river, you need to pay this nice uncle RM0.50. He will take you for a short boat ride. As I mentioned before, after crossing the river, you get to see the Astana Palace and a small village.

The modern art above can be found at the back of Kuching old courthouse. It's located just opposite Kuching Waterfront, the famous clock tower and Charles Brooke Monument. This old courthouse was constructed in the year 1874. All three places mentioned just now are just walking distance of each other. One portion of this old courthouse has been made into a museum and a restaurant.

On the way back to KL from Kuching International Airport. I took the early morning flight, unfortunately, not early enough to see the sunrise from up above. Nevertheless, the scenery just before takeoff was awesome!

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